Pablo Software Solutions
About Cardan's Pod
Not all angels have wings...

Joshua Cardan is the kind of man most women would consider a great catch.
He's young, decent looking, a nice guy, and not incidentally, rather wealthy.
Cynthia Cardan certainly considered him a great catch when she married him a year ago.

Too bad Josh doesn't know that Cynthia has planned all along to throw him back.

Too bad Cynthia doesn't know who will be there to rescue him when she does.

Then again, no one knew the Pod was there to begin with, and the Pod has been waiting for someone for a long time...

Of all the stories I have written, Cardan's Pod is the one that has most captured my imagination.  The characters, the situation; by the time I'd finished the first draft of the story, it was hard for me to think of them as fictional constructs in my head.  The Pod had become like old friends to me, and Cardan's Pod became the first of a number of stories featuring them.

The concept of the story was to take the stuff of mythology, and using speculative science, place these creatures in the world as we know it.  Their situation had to exist without the magic that the legends ascribed to them, and as the story unfolded it became more of an examination of what it means to be human, and who might have the right to make such decisions for those that would live with what science might someday do.  I hope the reader falls in love with the Pod, and I hope the story gives food for thought. ~ Rick Higginson
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